March Allotment Tips
Let The Sowing Begin!
First Early Potatoes
Prepare Beds And Clear Winter Clearance
What To Grow In March
Early Peas
Broad Beans
Brussel Sprouts
Spring Onion
You can sow these indoors or under glass:
Salad Leaves
March is starting to hopefully feel more Spring-like with longer days and warmer temperatures but do not be fooled, there is still a risk of frosts and inclement weather. Colder regions can still bear cooler climes. Therefore, make your judgements based on your location and its weather conditions and temperatures.
There will be plenty to be getting on with and that may include some of the jobs we discussed in January and February if the weather or life circumstances have prevented you from working on your allotment plot or has limited it.
There are some vegetables that you can start to sow directly, being mindful that they still might require some protection or that it might be too soon for your area. The use of cloches may be beneficial to your crops early on.
March is a good time to plant out Asparagus crowns in their permanent home.
Later in the month you can plant out your chitted early crops of potatoes.
There are many more that you can sow indoors using seed trays and propagators in preparation. Use a light and warm place for them to grow until they are ready to be hardened off, re-potted or planted out. By now, your windowsills are probably filled with seed trays and spilt compost! Hopefully, the greenhouse and polytunnels are warm enough to house some using heated propagators.
You can still plant fruit trees and prune those that are still dormant.
As March wears on, we hope for brighter and drier days with Spring well and truly starting to make an appearance. Spring flower bulbs have hopefully started to shoot through, yet unfortunately as everything is waking up, so are the weeds so do keep on top of those!
Slugs and snails enjoy the wet and warmer weather. Start to treat your beds to protect your plants - there are some organic homemade remedies such as broken eggshells you can scatter on the soil.
You can also protect your vulnerable seedlings against birds with netting and mesh. Good deterrents include scarecrows or simply a plastic bottle placed on the end of a cane, and other homemade, recycled items can be used.
Try and finish those maintenance jobs and get ahead with plot bed preparation. The coming months will become busier and busier! Plan for planting out next month if your location and weather allow.
The last of the parsnips and leeks should be lifted now as well as sprouts. Hopefully, you will have some cauliflower to harvest and kale, swede; maybe some spinach and chards.
Good read as I am new to growing and just built some raised planters.